🏷️ Tag: dev

Getting the Absolute Path of a Remote Directory in Ansible

Getting the Absolute Path of a Remote Directory in Ansible

There is no builtin way to convert a relative path to an absolute path in ansible. However we can use the readlink command for this.

Automated Planning using Property-Directed Reachability with Seed Heuristics

Automated Planning using Property-Directed Reachability with Seed Heuristics

Masters Thesis. The goal of this thesis is to implement a pre-processing step to the Property Directed Reachability algorithm, to potentially improve the run-time performance. We use the pattern database heuristic to make use of the planning task structure for the seeding algorithm.

You should be using RSS

You should be using RSS

Decide exactly what you want to read and escape the social media algorithms. How an old protocol called RSS can give you back the autonomy about what you read.

How to set up an SSH Server on Windows with WSL

How to set up an SSH Server on Windows with WSL

It can be very helpful to be able to connect to your laptop or desktop PC from anywhere using SSH. I will show you how to easily set this up on Windows with WSL.

Modelling Git Operations as Planning Problems

Modelling Git Operations as Planning Problems

Bachelor Thesis. The goal of this thesis is to formally define a model of a subset of Git commands which mutate the revision graph, and to model those mutations as a planning task in the Planning Domain Definition Language. Multiple ways to model those graphs will be explored and those models will be compared by testing them using a set of planners.

How to write optional filters in SQL

How to write optional filters in SQL

A simple way to filter by optional values in SQL with the COALESCE function.

Obsidian.md Fitbit Activity Script


If you use Obsidian.md to track your daily activity and wear a fitbit, this script is for you! This is a user script for the Templater Obsidian plugin. The script will connect to the fitbit API to fetch all your activity for a given day and format it as markdown.

Pomo πŸ…


I created pomo as a way to keep me focused for working on my masters thesis, and at the same time allowed me to learn the rust programming language.

Swim Club Birsfelden Website


The website of the "ScBirs" swim club. This website serves as the center of all information distribution for the swimclub.



TemKit makes it easy to organize any kind of teams. Built for sport clubs, coaches, youth groups and more. TeamKit supports taking attendance, planning practices or events and keeping track of what coaches/teachers are responsible for which team.

Built with SvelteKit and hosted on GitHub Pages.

View this website on GitHub!

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