Modelling Git Operations as Planning Problems

Modelling Git Operations as Planning Problems

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Version control systems use a graph data structure to track revisions of files. Those graphs are mutated with various commands by the respective version control system. The goal of this thesis is to formally define a model of a subset of Git commands which mutate the revision graph, and to model those mutations as a planning task in the Planning Domain Definition Language. Multiple ways to model those graphs will be explored and those models will be compared by testing them using a set of planners.

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	title        = {Modelling Git Operations as Planning Problems},
	author       = {Tim Bachmann},
	year         = {2021},
  month        = {01},
	type         = {Bachelor's Thesis},
	school       = {University of Basel},
	doi          = {10.13140/RG.2.2.24784.17922}
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Hi, my name is Tim Bachmann! I'm a master graduate in computer science at University of Basel, swimmer and swim coach.

I am passionate about all things web development, swimming, personal knowledge management and much more. If you liked this or any of my posts, feel free to follow me.

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